Monday, November 14, 2011

meeting notes arranging last weekend

When we met last week to plan the militaryBrig weekend seaDawg99 took notes.  These notes formed the basis for our planning.

I have removed identifying information on all participants.
Attending: Mr. seaDawg99, Mr. happyfrosh, Mr. soundsFun, Mr. lockedSteel
Thank you all for attending today’s schedule and planning meeting. The draft schedule is as follows.

Friday November 11th
1pm Mr. militaryBrig arrives SEA (via Lufthansa 490 from Frankfurt). Mr. seaDawg99 will meet him at the airport, go over expectations, collect any required information and see to the completion of all paperwork. Mr. slyy will be on hand to receive Mr. militaryBrig’s luggage.

Mr. seaDawg99 will then transport Mr. militaryBrig to the first facility.

Mr. seaDawg99’s ‘Casino Royal’ scene
8pm Mr. seaDawg99 will deliver Mr. militaryBrig to Mr. happyfrosh’s and Mr. soundsFun’s facilities.
Mr. militaryBrig will have been fed sufficiently for the evening.

Mr. happyfrosh’s ‘Abu Ghraib’ scene
Overnight Mr. soundsFun will handle sleeping arrangements
Saturday November 12th
Morning Mr. happyfrosh ‘Soft Scene with Cookies’ scene and morning meal
Noon Mr. militaryBrig will be picked up by Mr. seaDawg99

Mr. seaDawg99’s TBD scene, ‘Silkwood’ spa treatment, and afternoon meal
5pm Mr. soundsFun will take delievery Mr. militaryBrig

Mr. soundsFun ‘Floor work’ scene
8:30pm Dinner reservation at The Space Needle restaurant

Mr. seaDawg99 will provide transportation for Mr. militaryBrig and one other.

Mr. happyfrosh will make the reservations
~10:30pm Mr. militaryBrig will be taken to the Cuff for the evening

Mr. soundsFun will clear any necessary arrangement with the Cuff staff
Overnight Mr. seaDawg99 will handle sleeping arrangements
Sunday November 13th
8 am Mr. seaDawg99 will deliver Mr. militaryBrig to Mr. lockedSteel

Mr. lockedSteel’s low key restraint scene and morning meal
11:30 am Mr. lockedSteel will transport Mr. militaryBrig to MasterZ's

Mr. happyfrosh, Mr. soundsFun and Mr. lockedSteel’s ‘Chili with Mixed Cages’ scene
5:30 pm Mr. lockedSteel will call a cab and send Mr. militaryBrig to the Seattle Tacoma International Airport with his original luggage
8pm Mr. militaryBrig departs for Vancouver BC

Other agreements
The safewords "Mercy", "Safeword", and "4 grunts and a pause" will be recognized by all Doms.
After scene, particularly the initial ones, Doms should communicate to other participants via email any relevant information. Please use the following addresses
Mr. seaDawg99 will update the contract/disclosure form.
A recipe for ‘Prison Loaf’ was found. Mr. seaDawg99 will experiment with the viability of it.

6 slices whole wheat bread, finely chopped
4 ounces imitation cheddar cheese, finely grated
4 ounces raw carrots, finely grated
12 ounces spinach, canned, drained
2 cups dried Great Northern Beans, soaked,cooked and drained
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
6 ounces potato flakes, dehydrated
6 ounces tomato paste
8 ounces powdered skim milk
4 ounces raisins
Mix all ingredients in a 12-quart mixing bowl. Make sure all wet items are drained. Mix until stiff, just moist enough to spread. Form three loaves in glazed bread pans. Place loaf pans in the oven on a sheet pan filled with water, to keep the bottom of the loaves from burning. Bake at 325 degrees in a convection oven for approximately 45 minutes. The loaf will start to pull away from the sides of the bread pan when done.

Thank you,
