Tuesday, May 24, 2011

crucible party

Mid Atlantic Leather (MAL) was the first time that I had gotten a chance to play publicly.  

I had done suspensions at home in the dungeon. Some of the stuff that I did with soundsFun was getting pretty cool.  During the emotionally draining holidays we had supported each other with and through bondage.

At MAL it was important for each of us to play with others.

I came across a group that had an intensity to their bondage, led by a vibrant and skilled dominant, tieGuy7001.

The group went to the crucible party.  I went early.  I stripped down to a pair of nastypig fight shorts, a leather harness, and combat boots.  I tucked my red handled bandage shears into the shorts at my left hip.

I walked around and watched.  I made a quick trip over to the strip club next door.

The party had loud music and dim lighting.  Quite the opposite of my dungeon.

I had plans to play with short bodybuilder.  I looked around and couldn't find him.

The group arrived.

Space in a public party is quite valuable. I could see other tops hungrily eyeing the open floor space at the edge of the group.  So I grabbed a couple pices of webbing and tied atlGearedUp's hands, attaching to a woven chest harness by pulling his hands behind his head.

I wove a doubled swiss seat in red webbing.  I wove in purple non-stuctural spacing webbing to keep the seat comfortable through a lift.

I noticied the short bodybuilder in the watching crowd.  But I was already in the middle of the tie.

Space at the winch opened up, and the group had the choice of starting a different tie, or giving up the piece of equipment.  I looked around for the short bodybuilder and didn't see him.

atlGearedUp smiled and the idea of taking the bondage further took hold.  I reached into my bag and pulled out a handful of yellow lines.

I tied rope corsets on his wrists.  I attached these to the winch spreader bar and lifted his hands above his head.  I tied his ankles.  I lowered him to the floor and attached his ankles to the same spreader bar.  I tied the seat to the center of the spreader bar using the block and tackle technique.  I tensioned all of the knots to confirm safety. 

I hit the winch controls and atlGearedUp was suspended.  While I was nervous playing in public, any two of the five lines could have safely held the suspension long enough to lower him to the ground.

And I was lost.  My sessions with soundsFun had been about bondage and not about dominance.  I explained my predicament to tieGuy7001 and he came to my rescue.  I was amazed and envious at how effortlessly the dominance and corporal punishment is for others to perform.

I lowered atlGearedUp to the ground and untied him.

atlGearedUp and I lightly groped each other while we watched the fireplay demo.
hand tied above the head, woven swiss seat

ankles restrained. block and tackle tie of the seat

double checking knots

completed suspension.  tieGuy7001 at left.  happyfrosh at right.